Gospel Comparative - About

Michael Degnan is a US native who resides in Reykjavik, Iceland. He says, "it's one of the most wondrous environments on the planet and is a place of great inspiration."

Michael's career started out in film & television. He evolved with the digital revolution becoming a Creative Consultant for concept, content, design and production in the digital universe. Strangely enough (or maybe not) this is what lead him to the book project and helps to explain the "out-of-the-box" approach taken for the book's design. The title is Gospel COMPARATIVE - Four Gospels of Jesus Christ.

"The book is setup kind of like a movie" says Michael, "it's how so many of us think today and certainly how I think." The approach taken is identical to doing a script-breakdown when adapting a book to the screen. The text (original KJV) is broken-down into Sections. Each Section is a compilation of Scenes that makeup the narrative. "We all visualize" he says, "so having the most widely told story in human history laid out this way, I believe helps anyone to have a much richer experience."

Most notably is how the book is read; the reader views two pages at the same time. "I know this breaks the rules…" the designer states, "but once you see the purpose - it makes perfect sense." Depending on the content of each two page-spread the narrative might begin on the odd numbered page instead of traditionally starting on the even. "Ultimately," he continues, "I did the layout like a storyboard only with text instead of pictures; this way the story is much fuller and complete, while being less confusing and easier to digest."

Michael continues to write, develop and create projects, while constantly exploring other emerging mediums. He has a huge loving family that supports him continuously in all his ongoing adventures. He speaks of them often with much love and the highest regard.